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Does Running to the Liquor Store Count as Cardio?


I decided that every Thursday, I get to sit on my porch with a glass of wine and write a blog post. I actually really enjoy writing, but the wine makes it better. Maybe it makes me a little more candid? Just maybe.

Current view.

Last week, I talked about my business background, but this week, I'm going to get a little more personal. We're going to talk about how I got into the gym. This isn't some uplifting story where something tragic happened to me or I finally found the fire within me to be active. If you knew me at 20, you'd know enough to call BS on that.

I went to the gym because I had a crush on an athlete at my pretty big University, Virginia Tech. YUP. I started working out because I thought if I liked working out then maybe the guy who worked out all day, every day would take interest in me. Spoiler alert: it worked. We did end up dating!

I was about 125 lbs (20 pounds less than I am now!). I'd run a mile on the treadmill and then go to the free weights and do the exact same arm and core workout, every single workout. How boring! If I close my eyes, I can still hear the EDM blasting through my headphones while I tried to run as fast as I could for a mile. Did I mention "my treadmill" overlooked the weight room? Yeah, that was no coincidence. I said I wanted the athlete to take interest in me, not wife me up. I was scoping out my other options while working out to capture another's heart, I guess LOL.

My 21st Birthday. I was so proud of myself for being in the gym. Truth is, I lost no weight. But I felt so good!

Honestly though, does it really matter what gets you to the gym? Absolutely not! I was dedicated to my cause, which kept me showing up. What ended up happening is I ended up becoming addicted to that feeling of accomplishment working out gives you. I found that I actually enjoyed it. I liked to put on a cute workout outfit, although there weren't as many options back then. So I'd throw on a cut up, off the shoulder t-shirt with my target capri leggings and hit the gym.

It became social. I met people who worked there, saw my friends, and would go with friends to the gym. If you frequent the same place, you get to know people! The same thing happens with the gym. When I was done with my workout, I felt accomplished. I felt ready to split an entire handle of vodka with my friends before going out that night, because let's be real, that's probably what I did after working out. Hey, I told you I enjoyed working out, not that I was committed to fitness yet!

That was almost ten years ago. I've come a longggg way since then. I type that as I stare at the wedding band on my finger. Girl, I already told you this wasn't going to be a romantic story. He is NOT the athlete I dated at VT. However, I did meet him there, too!

It doesn't matter what brings you to exercise. You don't need a Cinderella moment.



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